
What happens if you get a DUI under 21 in Arizona? Legal consequences and penalties explained

What happens if you get a DUI under 21 in Arizona? Legal consequences and penalties explained

Getting a DUI under 21 in Arizona is a serious offense with severe consequences. Arizona has a zero-tolerance policy for underage drinking and driving. This means any amount of alcohol in your system while driving can lead to a DUI charge if you're under 21.

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drug related dui

Drug-Related D.U.I. in Arizona - What You Need To Know

Driving while under the influence of drugs in Arizona is a serious offense and can result in a DUI charge. Arizona state statute ARS § 28-1381(A)(1) states that “it is unlawful for a person to drive or be in actual physical control of a vehicle in this state… while under the influence of intoxicating liquor, any drug, a vapor releasing substance containing a toxic substance or any combination of liquor, drugs or vapor releasing substances if the person is impaired to the slightest degree.”

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dui cant afford it

Charged With A DUI In Arizona? What You Need To Know.

Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs can lead to severe consequences in Arizona and other states. You are providing the state of Arizona with consent to test for blood alcohol or drug content when applying for and accepting the driving privileges. Known as the Implied Consent Law, this testing can occur if you’re arrested for driving under the influence of drugs or intoxicating liquor.

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dui with injury

DUI and Vehicular Manslaughter in Arizona: What You Need To Know

The laws associated with a driver who kills someone while under the influence of drugs or alcohol vary significantly by state. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), most states have laws specifically outlining penalties for drunk drivers who cause death or injury. Arizona does not have a specific law that addresses this situation, but uses existing statutes related to DUI, homicide, and manslaughter when bringing charges.

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drunk driving

The Consequences of Aggravated DUI in Arizona

There are a variety of DUI offenses in Arizona, including the charge of aggravated DUI. Arizona punishes driving under the influence more harshly than most states. After being pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving, you can be charged with regular, extreme, or super extreme DUI depending on how high your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) is when it is tested.

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motorcycle dui in arizona

The Consequences Of A Motorcycle DUI In Arizona

Did you think it couldn’t happen to you or your loved one? We know, everybody always thinks it won’t happen to them. The mindset always goes through that first couple of thoughts such as:
“It’s only one drink.” Or “One more won’t hurt.”

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underage dui in arizona

Will The Court Take My License If I Get An Underage Dui?

Learn what constitutes Underage DUI and the penalties for an Underage DUI charge. Driving under the Influence poses significant risks and can result in severe penalties for drivers in Arizona. Underage drinking is on the rise. Alcohol is a drug of choice for teens, and the widespread nature of the problem is alarming.

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minor in possession arizona

What Are the Minor in Possession of Alcohol Laws in Arizona?

When we think about underage drinking we typically think about underage people literally consuming alcohol. In Arizona, that doesn’t have to be the case.

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motorcycle dui in arizona

What Are The Consequences of a Motorcycle DUI In Arizona?

A popular misconception people have is that a driving under the influence (DUI) charge on a motorcycle is less severe than a traditional car DUI. There is not a complete answer on why people think this way.

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How Reliable are Field Sobriety Tests?

Arizona has a zero-tolerance policy on driving under the influence (DUI) and is known to have extremely strict and dynamic DUI laws. Because of this, police officers are trained on how to recognize drivers who are under the influence and how to perform field sobriety tests. There are different stages to the DUI investigation and in each portion the driver has constitutional rights the police must respect.

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Can Someone Get A DUI for Using Hand Sanitizer?

With the widespread disruption that the COVID-19 pandemic is causing, public officials are trying their hardest to quell its spread. At the advice of many health experts, these officials are encouraging social distancing and the frequent washing of hands. If washing their hands is unfeasible, the general guidance is that the person use hand sanitizer to clean their hands. With many people either far from sinks, being lazy, or just over-cautious hand sanitizer use has surged; now the main method of hand washing.

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