We Help Get Your DUI Charges and Penalties Reduced or Dropped.
The criminal defense DUI lawyers at Mesa DUI Lawyer have over 35 combined years of experience defending clients in the greater Phoenix area. We’ve helped clients receive reduced penalties, dismissed charges and flexible legal results that make it easier to move on after your case. View the recent case results below to get a better idea of how our criminal defense DUI attorneys provide first-class service to their clients.
In Arizona, DUIs are a common offense – there were more than 30,000 DUI arrests in 2019 alone. But although DUIs are common, they still hold severe penalties. First-time DUIs can include 10 days to six months in jail, license suspension, probation, ignition interlock installation, and over $3,000 in fines and surcharges. Repeat offenders can face even harsher consequences.
At Mesa DUI Lawyer, we’ve helped many DUI clients avoid the maximum penalties in their cases.
Ms. N moved out of state to get away from her legal struggles that stemmed from a DUI conviction. Shortly after the move to Arizona, she was driving late in the evening when she ran into a parked commercial truck at an intersection. Luckily, no one was injured. She slurred her speech and had difficulty moving when the officers attempted to conduct field sobriety tests on Ms. N. After failing the tests, she was arrested for DUI because the officers believed she had taken prescription drugs to a level that caused the accident.
With her prior DUI conviction, Ms. N’s exposure was at least 30 days in jail upon conviction. However, the Mesa DUI Lawyer team was able to develop a sound defense that the drugs in Ms. N’s system were taken as prescribed and that the reaction to her prescriptions were an unintended result of following doctor orders.
PENALTIES REDUCED - Ms. N’s prior DUI was dismissed and the case was resolved with a plea agreement to a first regular DUI; resulting in only 1 day of jail and thousands of dollars less in court fines.